Addington Community Grants Scheme

The Addington Community Grants Scheme is a new initiative of the Addington Neighbourhood Association , to support funding for small projects that benefit the Addington community.

Up to $500 will be granted each year, in two funding rounds of $250 per round. Applications for the first round are invited for October ( by 31st ), with a decision to be made at our ANA meeting at the end of November. A second round will accept applications in April ( by 30th ), for a decision at the May ANA meeting.

Please download the attached Application Form PDF, below. Also , please take the time to read our Privacy Policy on this site.

Fill in the relevant section for an individual or for a group/organisation. Post or deliver the completed application to 21 Church Square, Addington, Christchurch 8024. Alternatively, send a scanned application form and supporting information to