Selwyn/Brougham Intersection Safety

I am interested to hear from the Addington community on the following issue….. As many are aware the intersection at Brougham and Selwyn Streets have become extremely dangerous. My concern is for the pedestrians crossing here, in particular the Addington school children trying to cross over. The school used to have someone at this intersection helping children to cross over before and after school. There are also two preschools in this area and many of the mums have pushchairs and a toddler or two crossing over. I would love to hear from the Addington community suggestions, support and any offers of volunteers. Please spread the word as many do not use Facebook. Looking forward to seeing Addington’s response on behalf of our most vulnerable members of our society.
Cherylan Davies
Community Development Worker

via the Addington Community Facebook Group.

Recycling at the Timebank

The Addington TimeBank is offering to collect unwanted items and get them to the groups who need them, This includes: exterior water-based paint, paint brushes, gardening and building tools (for Addington Action); old NZ coins and overseas coins (these can be delivered directly to Resene Paints – for Lion’s Heads up for Children’s appeal); broken crockery, knittting wool, craft materials (for Manuka Cottage Activities); egg cartons(for the Fruit and Vegetable Co-op). If you would like things collected or if you would like us to advertise for other things your community group can use, contact Elaine at:

Addington Times for April is Here!

Hi everyone! The Addington Times for April 2013 is out now! Our busy volunteer worker bees are delivering this free community newspaper to houses and shops around Addington, and you can also read it online here.

The production of the Addington Times is a joint project of the Addington Neighbourhood Association, Manuka Cottage and Addington Community House. Funding towards production costs is kindly provided by the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board. Printing by Addington Print, Lincoln Road. Editor, Doreen Darnell; Asst. Editor, Dave Gorton; Technical Support, Elaine Mayo. Email:

(Our deadline for copy is the 15th of each month.)

Resource Application for Selwyn Street Shops rebuild

After the Selwyn Shops Master Plan process last year, we’ve been wondering if there would be any commercial takers. Well, here’s the first resource consent application for the new shops, from Lee Pee limited, to be called Coronation Corner.

The CCC Project Information page on it is here, which includes a PDF download of the application.

Sorry about the late notice – the submission period appears to expire on the 4th of February (next week), so you’ll need to move fast if you want to make a comment.

Changing to the New Site

Hi! Yes, this is the Addington Neighbourhood Association website. If you’re looking for the old Addington Space Ning site, you can find it here for the moment – but it won’t be there forever. Please update all your bookmarks and look for news and community event announcements at instead.