Addington Community Grants Scheme

The Addington Community Grants Scheme is a new initiative of the Addington Neighbourhood Association , to support funding for small projects that benefit the Addington community.

Up to $500 will be granted each year, in two funding rounds of $250 per round. Applications for the first round are invited for October ( by 31st ), with a decision to be made at our ANA meeting at the end of November. A second round will accept applications in April ( by 30th ), for a decision at the May ANA meeting.

Please download the attached Application Form PDF, below. Also , please take the time to read our Privacy Policy on this site.

Fill in the relevant section for an individual or for a group/organisation. Post or deliver the completed application to 21 Church Square, Addington, Christchurch 8024. Alternatively, send a scanned application form and supporting information to

Addington Community Safety Workshop

A public meeting will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 30th November , at Manuka Cottage, 70 Harman Street, to discuss the problems of continuing crime in the Addington Area.

This is an opportunity for residents to discuss the current problems and evaluate possible solutions.

We will have supper at approx 7.30pm , and ask those attending to please bring a plate of food to share for supper. Tea and coffee will be available to drink.

A short Addington Neighbourhood Association meeting will be held afterwards, from approx 8pm to 9pm, for those who wish to stay on.