Heritage Week 2018

Date(s) - 16/10/2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

St Mary's Addington


The Addington Heritage Evening – 16th October.

The Addington Heritage Evening is pleased to be part of the Beca Heritage Week programme for 2018, and this free event will be held on Tuesday 16th October , 7.00 – 8.30pm ( includes supper ) at St Mary’s Anglican Church , Church Square, Addington.

The main theme will be John Wilson’s talk about the lives of some of the women in Addington: Annie and Elizabeth Taylor, Lillian McCullogh ( nee Taylor ) and Jennie Bean , and their struggle to gain individual rights and recognition, not only for their own gender, but for the many community causes that they undertook and supported.

Glenis Tricklebank, who has worked for many years as a support worker at the Addington Supportive Accommodation Service will talk about her years of work and provide some background on the history of the ” Sallies in Addington “.

Patrick Doyle will also link in with this year’s theme ( “Strength from Struggle – Remembering our courageous communities” with some Johnny Cash tunes ( 50 years since Folsom Prison Album ) and other music.

We will finish the evening with “sticky buns and conversation”. The book ” Local Lives : A History of Addington” will also be available for purchase, and author John Wilson will sign copies.

This event is a co-operative effort  between St Mary’s and the Addington Neighbourhood Association, with support from Beca and the Christchurch City Council Heritage team.